Benefits of Merino Wool: Why its Worth Wearing

Merino wool clothing has been gaining popularity in recent years and for good reason.

Not only is it incredibly comfortable and versatile but also boasts a host of impressive benefits that make it stand out from other fabrics.

From regulating body temperature to being eco-friendly, the benefits of merino wool clothing are numerous and significant.

If you’re someone who values comfort, performance, and sustainability in your clothing choices, then this article will show you make merino wool clothing a staple in your wardrobe.

benefits of merino wool

The benefits of merino wool and why you should wear it

Oh, let me tell you about the wonders of merino wool clothing! This natural fabric is a game-changer when it comes to clothing.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider adding some merino wool pieces to your wardrobe:

1. Merino wool is super soft

Merino wool fibers are incredibly fine and soft, making the clothing a joy to wear. Trust me; you won’t want to take it off.

This is thanks to its fibers that are much finer and smoother than other types of wool.

Additionally, Merino wool fibers have a natural elasticity that allows them to bend and flex without breaking resulting in a soft and luxurious feel.

2. It’s warm

Another advantage of Merino wool clothing is its excellent insulation properties. This makes wool warmer than other types of clothing materials.

This is because the fine fibers in Merino wool create small pockets of air that trap body heat and insulate against the cold.

Additionally, Merino wool has a natural crimp that helps to retain warmth.

These natural insulation properties make it a great choice for colder weather as it can help to keep you warm and comfortable even in freezing temperatures.

However, it’s worth noting that the thickness and weight of the Merino wool fabric can also affect its warmth, so not all Merino wool clothing will be equally warm.

3. Temperature regulation

Whether you’re out hiking in the cold or running errands on a hot day, merino wool has you covered. It’s great at keeping you warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot.

This is attributed to the fact that merino wool is a natural insulator.

So the wool fibers are able to regulate your body temperature by wicking away sweat and moisture from your skin keeping you comfortable no matter the temperature outside.

As a result, you won’t feel the need to constantly change clothes or layer up and down.

As an avid hiker, I have found that merino wool clothing is the best choice for me when I hit the trails.

On a recent hike, I wore a merino wool base layer and was amazed at how comfortable I felt throughout the day.

I didn’t feel sweaty or clammy and my body temperature stayed regulated even as the weather changed.

4. It’s odor resistant

Unlike synthetic fabrics, which can develop some pretty unpleasant smells, merino wool resists odor.

This is attributed to the fact that it is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, which means that it doesn’t hold onto odors like sweat, bacteria, and dirt.

This is great for those who are active and need to wear the same clothing multiple times without worrying about smelling bad.

If you are an outdoor person, pack a few merino wool pieces when going camping. You won’t have to worry about smelling too funky after a few days in the great outdoors.

5. It’s moisture wicking

Merino wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture, which means it’s great at keeping you dry and comfortable, even during intense activities.

Another time I wore a merino wool hoodie to the gym and I was blown away by how quickly it dried after my workout.

I didn’t have to worry about taking a shower immediately after as the fabric was able to wick away the sweat and keep me feeling fresh. I still took the shower though. Hygiene is important.

6. It’s super comfortable

When taking a long-haul flight, sitting in a cramped airplane seat for hours on end can be uncomfortable, but merino wool clothing can make it a little more bearable.

Consider wearing a merino wool t-shirt and socks to keep you comfortable and dry during the flight.

And, since merino wool is great at regulating temperature, you won’t have to worry about feeling too hot or too cold on the plane.

merino wool clothing benefits

7. Durable

When it comes to durability, Merino wool can be considered more durable than some other fabrics, such as cotton and synthetic fibers.

While cotton fibers can weaken and break down over time due to regular wear and tear, Merino wool fibers are naturally elastic and able to bend and flex without breaking or losing their shape.

Synthetic fibers, such as polyester and nylon, are generally less durable than Merino wool because they are prone to pilling and snagging.

These fabrics can also melt or shrink when exposed to heat or high temperatures, which can compromise their durability.

8. Wrinkle resistant

Another important advantage of merino wool is that it is crease and wrinkle-resistant due to the natural crimp in its fibers.

The crimp creates tiny pockets of air within the fibers, which helps the fabric to spring back into shape after being bent or compressed.

This natural elasticity also allows Merino wool to resist wrinkles and creases, even after being worn for extended periods.

In my personal experience, I’ve found that Merino wool clothing tends to hold its shape very well, even after being packed in a suitcase or backpack.

I recently traveled with a Merino wool sweater that I wore on multiple occasions without washing.

Despite being crumpled up in my luggage for several days, the sweater still looked great and didn’t show any signs of wrinkles or creases.

The wool’s natural resistance to wrinkles makes it a great choice for travel since it doesn’t require as much ironing or steaming as other fabrics, which can help to prolong the life of the garment.

9. The wool is non-allergenic

Merino wool is generally considered to be non-allergenic and can be a great choice for people who are sensitive to other types of wool or synthetic fabrics.

Its softness, breathability, and moisture-wicking properties can help to keep the skin comfortable and reduce the likelihood of irritation or allergic reactions.

However, it’s important to note that some people may still be allergic to Merino wool, as with any natural fiber.

If you have a known allergy to wool, it’s always a good idea to test a small patch of skin before wearing a Merino wool garment.

This can help you to determine whether or not you’re sensitive to the material before wearing it for extended periods.

10. Less prone to shrinking

Merino wool is generally less prone to shrinking than other types of wool or natural fibers.

This is because its fibers are more flexible and elastic than other types of wool.

For this reason, merino wool can stretch and move without becoming permanently misshapen, which can help to reduce the risk of shrinkage.

However, in our previous article about merino wool shrinkage, we found that merino wool can still shrink if you do not follow the care instructions on the garment’s label.

Factors such as agitation and high heat during the washing and drying of merino wool can make your clothing to become permanently misshapen.

That said, I’ve washed and dried my Merino wool garments in the washing machine and dryer without any issues as long as I use gentle cycles and low heat settings.

11. It’s sustainable

Good reasons to wear merino wool clothing

Merino wool is considered sustainable due to the following reasons;

  • It’s a renewable resource: Merino wool is made from the fleece of Merino sheep, which can be shorn once or twice a year. This makes it a renewable resource that can be harvested without causing harm to the sheep or the environment.
  • It’s biodegradable: Merino wool is biodegradable, which means that it can break down naturally in the environment without causing harm. When it’s time to dispose of your Merino wool clothing, it won’t sit in a landfill for hundreds of years like synthetic fabrics.
  • It has low-impact production: Merino wool production can be done in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. Many Merino wool producers use sustainable farming practices, such as rotational grazing and water conservation, to minimize their impact on the environment.
  • It’s long-lasting: Merino wool clothing is generally durable and long-lasting, which means that it doesn’t need to be replaced as frequently as other fabrics. This reduces the environmental impact of clothing production and helps to conserve resources.

Merino wool clothing is a sustainable choice that can help to promote environmental responsibility and reduce our impact on the planet.

12. Easy to care for

Ever since I started wearing merino wool clothing, I have found that it is quite easy to care for especially when compared to other types of wool or natural fibers like cotton.

I typically wash my merino wool garments in cold water with a mild detergent and then lay them flat to dry.

I’ve never had any major damage occur from washing and drying as long as I follow the care instructions on the garment’s label.

13. Less prone to pilling

Moreover, compared to other types of wool or natural fibers, merino wool is less prone to pilling. However, clothing is not completely immune to this issue.

Pilling occurs when short fibers on the surface of a fabric become tangled and form small balls or fuzz.

This can happen over time as the garment is worn and washed.

Over the years, I’ve found that merino wool garments do pill slightly over time with repeated wear and washing.

However, the amount of pilling is generally much less than with other types of wool or natural fibers.

The pilling can also be easily removed with a fabric shaver or other de-pilling tool.

14. It’s less itchy

While everyone’s experience with Merino wool may be different, it’s generally considered to be less itchy and more comfortable than other types of wool.

This is attributed to the diameter of wool fibers, which is typically smaller than other types of wool. This makes the clothing feel softer and more comfortable against the skin.

Some people may still find Merino wool to be slightly itchy or uncomfortable especially if they have sensitive skin.

But, I find the clothing very comfortable and doesn’t itch or irritate my skin at all.

I’ve worn Merino wool garments for extended periods without any discomfort. They are a great choice for layering in cold weather or for outdoor activities.

Many people who can’t wear other types of wool find that they can wear Merino wool without any issues since it’s less irritating to the skin.

15. It’s static resistant

Wool is naturally static-resistant, thanks to its ability to absorb moisture and conduct electricity.

Static electricity is caused by the buildup of electric charge on the surface of an object and can be particularly common in dry environments or when wearing synthetic fabrics.

Wool, on the other hand, is a natural fiber that can absorb moisture from the air and from your skin, which helps to reduce the buildup of static electricity.

This can be particularly helpful in dry environments or during the winter months when static electricity can be more of an issue.

In addition to its natural static-resistant properties, merino wool is also often blended with other fibers, such as nylon or elastane, which can further enhance its static resistance.

16. Does not fade easily

Merino wool has some natural UV-resistant properties that help to protect it from sun damage.

This is because the wool fibers naturally contain a pigment called melanin, which helps to protect the sheep’s skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

This same pigment provides some level of UV protection when the wool is used in clothing making it more resistant to fading than synthetic materials like polyester or nylon.

17. Never goes out of style

Finally, in case you are thinking, “Okay, all these benefits sound great, but what about style?”

Well, fear not my stylish friend, because Merino wool clothing can be incredibly fashionable too.

From cozy sweaters and scarves to sleek base layers and even activewear, there’s a Merino wool option for every style and occasion.

For example, imagine yourself on a chilly fall morning, heading out for a hike in the mountains.

You slip on a pair of Merino wool leggings, a base layer, and a soft woolen beanie.

As you start to move, you feel warm and cozy, but also stylish and put-together. You’re not just dressed for the weather; you’re also dressed for the occasion.


Is merino wool worth it?

Yes, merino wool is worth it for many people because it is soft, warm, moisture-wicking, odor-resistant, and good for sensitive skin. Also, it can regulate body temperature since breathable and it is eco-friendly.

Can you wear merino wool every day?

Yes, you can wear merino wool every day as it is a versatile material that can be worn in various settings. Since it is naturally odor-resistant,  you can wear it for multiple days without becoming smelly.

What are the benefits of merino wool for skin?

Merino wool can offer several benefits for the skin. It is gentle and less itchy than other wool types, making it ideal for sensitive skin. It also wicks away moisture from the skin, keeping it dry and comfortable.

Additionally, merino wool has natural antimicrobial properties that help to prevent bacteria and fungi growth, which is beneficial for those with skin conditions like acne or eczema.

Is merino wool good for summer?

Yes, merino wool can be good for summer wear. Despite being known for its warmth, it is a great option for summer due to its moisture-wicking properties, which can help keep you cool and dry in hot weather.

Does merino wool keep you warm in the winter?

Yes, merino wool can keep you warm in the winter. Since it is a great insulator, it can regulate body temperature by trapping heat close to the skin making it a popular choice for winter clothing.


In conclusion, the benefits of Merino wool clothing are truly numerous and impressive.

From its unparalleled softness and comfort to its durability, sustainability, and versatility, Merino wool truly stands out as a unique and valuable material for clothing.

However, while merino wool clothing offers many benefits, it’s important to also consider some of the potential drawbacks.

In our recent article on the disadvantages of merino wool, we explored some of the challenges associated with this popular material, including its cost, limited color options, and potential for shrinkage

But beyond its practical benefits and drawbacks, merino wool also has a deeper, more meaningful significance.

By choosing to wear Merino wool, you are choosing to support a natural and sustainable industry, invest in quality over quantity, and value comfort and durability over fast fashion trends.

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